Admissions FAQs

The CAC can help you, or someone you care about, when any of the following warnings signs are evident:

  • Marked personality change
  • Inability to cope with daily activities
  • Strange grandiose ideas
  • Excessive anxieties or fears
  • Prolonged depression or apathy
  • Thinking or talking about suicide
  • Extreme high and low mood swings
  • Abuse of alcohol or drugs
  • Excessive anger, hostility or violent behavior
  • The CAC can assist in finding the most appropriate help for you.

A counselor will talk with you privately to discuss the difficulties you are experiencing. Your discussion will not involve any type of therapy or treatment. The assessment is simply a means of evaluating your situation.

To schedule a no-cost assessment, call 202-885-5610 toll-free 800-369-2273. Anyone can call to arrange an assessment; a professional referral is not required. Our staff is available to schedule assessments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

No. Having an assessment in no way obligates you to any form of treatment. The assessment and referral counselor will use the information you provide to recommend a treatment approach.

If needed, individuals are referred to some form of counseling, treatment or support group. The CAC staff works closely with other area providers such as a psychiatrist, local mental health agencies and private practice therapists.

The CAC counselor will inquire about your problem and use that information to determine the treatment option that is most appropriate, considering your clinical needs and financial resources.

If your physician refers you, a CAC counselor, with your permission, will promptly contact your physician with information concerning your assessment.

The Psychiatric Institute of Washington is conveniently located near both Metrorail (Red Line Tenleytown / AU stop) and Metro bus routes.